This week I have been painting the living room.
It's taken me ages because I've been doing it bit by bit, around cats, furniture and husband. But today, I finally finished the three walls, skirting boards and ceiling.
I know, it looks very blah in the second picture, but trust me, it looks better in real life. Brighter and warmer. Over the next couple of months we'll be wallpapering the wall behind the sofa and adding some colour with curtains, cushions, pictures etc.
I wanted to make the room look like a blank canvas and I think I've managed that. The next step will be to make some new curtains ready for the winter months. For now though, I'm just going to breathe in the paint fumes and enjoy a job well done.
I'm sure it makes the room feel so much bigger as well. I desperately want to re-paint our living room, it is shades of grey and rather depressing!
ReplyDeleteYou should have seen the colour of these walls when we first moved in, bright orange! It was like walking into a room-shaped migraine.